SAK-TC233LP-32F200N Infineon Electronic Components
SAK-TC233LP-32F200N belongs to 32-bit microcontroller of infineon electronic components.Furthermore it is also ensured that the current drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited during the Firmware start-up phase (T2 upto T3) to a maximum of 100 mA/100 us.
The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited during the basic infrastructure and EVR13 regulator start-up phase (T0 upto T2) to a maximum of 100 mA/100 us. EVR13 is also robust against a voltage ramp-up starting from a residual voltage between 0 – 1 V. Start-up slew rates for supply rails should comply to datasheet values.
SAK-TC233LP-32F200N Infineon Electronic Components Features
High Performance Microcontroller with one CPU core
Power Efficient scalar TriCore CPU (TC1.6E), having the following features:
– Binary code compatibility with TC1.6P
– up to 200 MHz operation at full temperature range
Lockstepped shadow core for TC1.6E
Multiple on-chip memories :
– All embedded NVM and SRAM are ECC protected
– up to 2 Mbyte Program Flash Memory
16-Channel DMA Controller with safe data transfer
Sophisticated interrupt system (ECC protected)
High performance on-chip bus structure
Keyword: kinds of electronic components