
RESIST DAY #64: What You Can Do Today

Friday, March 24, 2017

  • With the U.S. House now scheduled to vote Friday afternoon on the Republican’s “repeal & ruin” healthcare bill, officially the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the Trump resistance movement is mobilizing nationwide to oppose the legislation and vowing to hold those who do vote in favor accountable for their role in kicking millions of people off their coverage and making everyone else “pay more for less” as they gut Medicaid and destroy improvements achieved under the Affordable Care Act (the ACA or Obamacare).
    • using the district-specific Affordable Care Act numbers provided by ‘Contacting Congress’.
    • and Planned Parenthood by demanding they vote ‘No’ on the bill.
    • hashtags

  • Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, on Friday accused his GOP colleagues of moving to “choke off public information” by cancelling a planned public hearing next week that would feature key witnesses.

  • After Senate Democrats indicated Thursday they are willing to filibuster the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, they need your help urging them to hold the line on that effort.
    • and tell them you oppose Gorsuch. If they’ve already committed to join the filibuster, congratulate them (or send them flowers: #FilibusterFlowers)
    • Share your opposition using the and hashtags on social media
    • Read the Indivisible Guide’s “” resource page.

  • Amid the ongoing and bizarre developments in the controversy that has engulfed the White House and Capitol Hill, the call for an independent body to investigate these serious and complex issues has reached a new zenith.
    • Call your member of Congress (MoC) and tell them you support an independent comission or special prosecutor. (Sample script .)
    • Tell your MoC you support the call by Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) “for a total and complete shutdown of any @ agenda item until FBI investigation is completed.”
    • Follow and share on the #IndependentCommission hashtag on social media

What You Can Be Doing Everyday 

  • Check out the Indivisible Guide’s “Capitol Calendar.” See if there’s a local Indivisible group in your area. If there isn’t, start one.
  • ” also has a running schedule of events and actions.
  • Sign up to receive ” on your mobile device
  • Every day: Make your voice heard with “5 Calls” (because calling actually works)
  • Every Sunday: Join “Ready to Resist” Strategy Calls
  • Every Tuesday: #ResistTrumpTuesdays (or on Twitter)

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