Netflix Wins: Streaming Films Will Still Be Eligible for Oscars | Breitbart
A long battle between streaming services such as Netflix and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences came to a close this week.
As a result of a recent decision, streaming video platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu will still be able to submit their films for Oscar consideration so long as those films run for a week at a theater in Los Angeles. The decision marks a continuation of the existing policy.
Earlier this year, Netflix won three oscars for its film Roma, which was directed by Alfonso Cuarón. Some feared that the Academy would move to eliminate non-theatrical films from consideration.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released a statement this week announcing that their current policy would not change.
Academy President John Bailey said that his organization still supports the experience of going to a theater. At the same time, they have recognized that audiences have changed how they consume entertainment.
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