
FFF President: “Benzema was stupid like a donkey.”

FFF President Noël Le Graët has described Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema “as stupid as a donkey” for his role in the alleged blackmail of Mathieu Valbuena, speaking in press club “Paris Breizh Medias”.

Le Graët had the following to say on the subject:

“In this story, maybe I protected him [Benzema] in an excessive way. But I like him and I believe that everybody has the right to a mistake. Sometimes, in all walks of life, there are good people and bad people. In teaching, business, etc. Benzema comes from a very difficult upbringing. He got carried away with stupidity in this situation. He was as stupid as a donkey. But I do not believe too much in giving lessons… In our clubs, there are little whites and little blacks who are well raised, but we take everyone, that is what life is. Some of the letters that we have received at the FFF have been very harsh. The people who do not hesitate to write to us reveal their true nature.”

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