Elijah Burke Endorses Barack Obama; Ric Flair Receives A Key To Columbia
– Elijah Burke has a new blog on the official WWE website. In it, Burke talks about his experience in Biloxi, Mississippi (obviously remaining an in-character heel) last week and talks about Presidential hopeful Barack Obama. Burke openly endorses Barack and says that the media placing him under fire will do nothing but help him in the end. Click here to read the full blog.
– Ric Flair was awarded a key to the city of Columbia, South Carolina today. Local CBS affiliate, WLTX, has an article now online of the ceremony which features a photo of Flair this morning. “I started coming to Columbia, the Township(Auditorium), in 1974,” Flair said. “I came down every week on Tuesday. The fan base here, the fans have always been some of the best in the world…We just knew when we walked in it was going to be loud, it was going to be packed, and it was going to be difficult to get out of the ring and back into the dressing room because the fans really get into the show.” You can read the entire article at this link.
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